-> Tables and References

Here you find a list of abbreviations for time related calculations.

PDTplanned delivery timeManual input based on customer wishes.
TDTtarget delivery timeCalculated possible time span of delivery, based on pre-defined time constraints and traffic forecasts.
DDTdriver delivery timeTime span of delivery to be communicated to the driver based on TDT.
ETAestimated time of arrivalTime span of delivery to be communicated to the end customer based on TDT.
Used for customer notification.
ATAactual time of arrivalTime of the driver's actual arrival at the customer's address (via driver's GPS position)
ATDactual time of deliveryTime of the driver's actual succesful delivery at the customer's address (timestamp of POST /deliverydone/{delivery_id})
PPTplanned pickup timeManual input based on customer wishes.
ELSestimated length of stay (minutes)Defines the time span for a stopp

Delivery status

Status IDStatus keyDescription
0noneThe delivery is either completely new and was never assigned to a tour or it was reset after canceling a tour containing this delivery. Deliveries in status 'none' can used for new tour planning processes and can also be deleted if needed. But be aware that you should never delete deliveries while there is a tour planning in process which uses these deliveries!
1assignedThe delivery is assigned to a tour.
2deliveredThe delivery was assigned to a tour and successfully delivered by the driver to the recipient. Additional codes can be used (see Delivery codes below)
3tooearlyThe delivery was assigned to a tour, the tour has already been started and ETA calculations noticed that this delivery's ETA is predicted to be earlier than the planned delivery time (PDT) if there won't be any further delay or a driver break.
4delayedThe delivery was assigned to a tour, the tour has already been started and ETA calculations noticed that this delivery's ETA is predicted to be later than the planned delivery time (PDT) and thus, there is a delay which is relevant for the customer.
5cancelledThe delivery is marked as canceled and will not be reused for tour plannings (again)
6problemThe 'problem' status can be used to indicate any kind of issues with this delivery. It has no technical implications on the tour itself
7repeatThe delivery is marked as 'to be repeated'. This status is not used in the standard routing process but can be used by API developers to indicate that this delivery should be delivered again for some reason.
8undeliveredThe delivery was assigned to a tour and the driver tried to deliver it to the recipient but he/she was not successful (e.g. because the recipient was not at home). Additional codes can be used (see Delivery codes below)
9notreadyThe delivery is created but not ready for tour assignment. This can e.g. happen if the order data is already processed but the item to be delivered is not yet available in the depot. Deliveries in this status will not be used for tour planning
10inprogressThe delivery is currently processed by the routing algorithm. If the planning was successful the state changes to assigned or none in case of failure.