-> Planning Process
Why do I get HTTP-Errors when starting an optimization?
- Ensure you are using the correct URL in the correct format.
- Date of planning is in the past, it must be in the future.
- All time_windows needs to be in the future (e.g. Delivery Time Window).
- Make sure you add a UTC timezone to each time indication.
- No vehicles available.
Please see for further information: Optimizing Routes
How long does it take till my optimization is finished and I can see the result?
- This depends on the amount of orders and active vehicles. The duration is defined individually for each instance and will be set up from your Smartlane contact person. Our goal is to provide the best possible result within the fastest possible time according to your data. For detailed questions please ask your Smartlane contact person.
How can I check the status of my current optimization?
- As soon as your optimization is started you will receive a process_id. This process_id you can use to check the current status.
Please see for further information: Process status (id)
How do I get the results back into my Transport Management System
- After a planning process is finished, we provide the result in Json format.
- The interface needs to be managed by your own or by your TMS provider.
- For a detailed description please see the chapter Getting results.
- We have partnerships with several TMS providers where our SW is already integrated. For more information please ask your Smartlane contact person.
Why are some orders dropped?
Time window’s to close? According to the distance from Stop A to B it is not possible for the vehicle to reach the destination within the defined time window.
Amount of load capacity from orders higher then the load capacity from the available vehicles.
Too many constraints for orders and too less possible vehicles:
- Liftgate
- Capacities
- Territories
- Invalid address/ Geo-coding fails
Why are not all of my vehicles used?
- Make sure that the vehicle "custom_id" is unique for each vehicle.
- Vehicles are assigned to specific territories but no shipment is open in the corresponding territory.
- There is no possible shipment within the allowed departure and return time.
- The vehicle has too less capacities.
Updated about 1 year ago